首页 - 艺术资讯 - 中国首个千岛湖隧道艺术馆正式开放
On September 21st, Chinas first open-concept tunnel art Museum, the Qiandao Lake Tunnel Art Gallery, officially opened. It is the countrys inaugural tunnel designed with a pedestrian and bicycle integrated path, unveiling a brand-new spatial art experience in the Qiandao Lake tunnels.
The Qiandao Lake Tunnel Art Museum, comprising three repurposed tunnels, includes the A Thousand Li of Rivers and Mountains Mural Gallery, the International Art Hall, and the Digital Light Exhibition Hall (under construction). It became open to the public free of charge starting from September 21st.
The A Thousand Li of Rivers and Mountains Mural Gallery is located in the Maoling Tunnel, with a total length of 220 meters. Technically, the A Thousand Li of Rivers and Mountains mural employs vibrant fluorescent paintings that create a light-chasing effect, resonating with the natural scenery and cultural heritage of Qiandao Lake within the same space. It offers visitors an immersive, sensory feast of Eastern landscape aesthetics through light and shadow!
The International Art Hall, situated within the Xialanwu Tunnel and spanning 209 meters in length, is led by the China Academy of Art. International and domestic creative mural artists are invited to craft the spatial aesthetics through contemporary art.
The Digital Light Exhibition Hall is located in Jinxian Bay Tunnel, and spans 278 meters in length. The infrastructure has been completed, allowing for cycling and sightseeing. The installation of digital light is expected to be completed by the end of 2025.
The “2024 the 2nd Qiandao Lake International Biennale of Light Art and Qiandao Lake Tunnel Art Gallery”, is hosted by China Academy of Art (CAA), the Culture, Broadcasting, Tele- vision, Tourism and Sports Bureau of Chunan County, Chun an Qiandao Lake Tourism Group Co., Ltd. and Chun an Traffic Development Investment Group Co., Ltd. and organized by the School of Sculpture and Public Art and School of Painting, CAA.
隧道博物馆开幕,首个展览“回声”展示了Chen Dongfan壁画, He Liang壁画, Zane Mellupe 的30米长的混合介质壁画装置,隧道博物馆开幕与第二届琴岛湖国际光艺术双年展仪式同时举行,拉脱维亚驻华大使Karlis Eihenbaums的视频问候,贵宾Malgorzata Ignatowicz和Karolina Wroblewska,意大利驻华院士副总裁Antonino Marciano’教授,Gaetin Messin教授,Assadour Makarov教授等出席了国际开幕式。还有一批杰出的地方政府和组织者代表参加了开幕式。
The Tunnel Museum opening with the first Exhibition opening “ECHO”, showing Chen Dongfan wall painting, He Liang wall painting and Zane Mellupe’s 30 meter long mixed medium mural installations, the Tunnel Museum opening together with the 2nd Qindao Lake International Biennale of light art ceremony was also internationally inaugurated by a video greeting of Ambassador of Latvia in PRC, Karlis Eihenbaums, by the presence of distinguished guests, the Vice Council General Malgorzata Ignatowicz and Karolina Wroblewska, VP of Italian Academicians in China Professor Antonino Marciano’, Professor Gaetin Messin, Professor Assadour Makarov and many others. Also a list of distinguished local government and organizer representatives participated in the opening.
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